What we do

Change starts here

preparedness. resilience. performance.


Issues & Crisis Preparedness

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Centred on an algorithm-powered diagnostic, MATCH FIT® is designed to measure, benchmark and radically improve your crisis communication preparedness. Think of MATCH FIT® as a plug-in, built to enhance your crisis communication confidence, reputational resilience, human preparedness and business performance - systematically and measurably.


Crisis & Reputation Management


Responding to a reputational crisis should start long before an issue goes critical. Building on the preparedness and resilience created by the MATCH FIT® process, we provide a complete suite of crisis and reputation management support. We are by your side, from assessing the potential scale of the crisis and delivering a consistent response, to monitoring its trajectory to recovering your reputation.


Facilitated Learning & Training


We don’t believe in one-way knowledge transfer or bullet-heavy PowerPoint. It just doesn’t work. Our approach is one of provocative facilitation and engagement. We combine consistent interaction, practical models and worked case studies with extensive use of video, striking visuals and theory where necessary, to aid learning and development. All backed by 25 years of PR practice, global business leadership and front line experience.

action starts now.

At their core, corporate and brand communication exist to mitigate reputational risk and unlock commercial opportunity. At its heart, Rod Cartwright Consulting exists to help you do just that. Whether you are looking to prepare for communication issues in a more measurable way, manage a reputational crisis in real time or enhance your senior team's communication confidence, let's talk about where we fit in.